2.3.5; last updated 06/13/2024
Darshan Time with Vinny
Page Receiving
Free-of-Charge Divine Blessing thru Vinny
Spiritual Blessing Trips
--- Overview and
--- List of
Trips Darshan
Time with Vinny
--- During
Spiritual Blessing Trips
--- At or near Vinny's Home
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Vinny | Darshan Time with Vinny
to Spend Darshan Time (Spiritual Visits) with Me During a Spiritual
Blessing Trip A number of
people have asked me
over the past few
years if it is possible for them to meet with me and spend
time with me in a darshan-like spiritual visit while I am on a
Spiritual Blessing trip. Further, some have also asked whether
it were
perhaps possible for them to reserve a room in the same hotel in which
I am staying on a given trip, so that they, whenever they are in their
hotel room, would be within a few hundred feet of me (or closer,
dependent upon room location) whenever I am
present in my hotel room (which is a good part of each day and night).
I was finally
guided by late 2014 by the Supreme Heart and Divine Mother aspects of
Divinity to formally reply to such queries, and to set up a some
methods and protocols that would allow such darshan time. I have been
guided to offer fee-based darshan time, and also a menu of fee-based
options for those who might wish to either stay in the same hotel as
mine during my stay, or to stay even closer to me, in a room located
reasonably near mine on the same floor of the hotel. All fees and terms
have been suggested by Divine guidance, and it is these fees which help
to support my spiritual work. Here then are the details:
- First,
any and all such
arrangements where a person is expecting to spend some time in a
darshan-like visit with me, or to stay in my hotel near my room during
one of my Spiritual Blessing trips must be arranged with me, and
accepted/cleared by me, well in advance, in part so that we can clear
up details such as which trip (i.e., which city/region) will be
mutually suitable for each of us, and so that we may discuss other
details. Please do not send any fees for such darshan time until and
unless you have first received approval from me and until we have
worked out basic details.
- For
any fee-based darshan time options referenced below, I will need to
receive the cleared funds for the full amount of the intended fee well
in advance of making any plans with the client for their darshan-like
visit(s) with me on a given trip.
- All
fees are final; no refunds are possible, regardless of whether
the client shows up for the meeting or not.
- All
fee-based darshan
time and related options and categories are for one person only; this
is usually the person who applied for the service, unless other
arrangements have been made, and approved, in advance. If you should
wish to bring along another person, then that person must also apply
well in advance of my trip, and if approved, must also send funds in
full well in advance of the trip.
- Incidentally,
if you
should be interested in arranging to spend darshan-like time with me in
a city that is not currently listed on my Spiritual Blessing trips
calendar, you are welcome to send me a note via email advising me that
if I were to visit that particular city or region (please explicitly
name the city or region), then you would be sincerely interested in one
of the darshan time or related arrangements during such a visit. Please
be sure to indicate which level of service you are considering (e.g.,
$1,760, $2,520, $4,540, etc.), and please also indicate any particular
date range of greatest interest to you, for example, a Spiritual
Blessing trip to that region within the next six months, or the next 12
months, etc. When I receive such a request, I will then check with
Divine guidance to learn if I may visit that city/region, and when.
- The
following bulleted
items list the various levels of darshan tme and related services
available, along with the privileges (including darshan-like visits
with me) available at each level:
- For
a fee of $1,760
(USD), a pre-approved client will be allowed to spend up to one hour of
darshan-like time with me for spiritual purposes, arranged for mutual
convenience, during my stay in the designated city or region. This time
may be spent sitting somewhere (including a park, or a restaurant,
etc.), or taking a walk, or talking, or having a meal together (the
client pays the meal charges for both parties).
client, of course, is responsible for all of their own expenses and
transportation, lodging, meals and all other expenses attendant to any
travel they might make, and the client will be expected to be willing
and able to meet me at mutually-acceptable sites that are convenient to
me, often sites located fairly near my hotel.
the client should choose to pay a fee that is higher than the stated
fee for the same time period, then I am advised by Divine guidance that
the intensity of the flow of Divine love and grace is increased
accordingly during our session.
Note: For select
applicants with very little income, who cannot afford a fee
anywhere near $1,760 but nonetheless wish to spend up to one hour with
me in a darshan-type spiritual meeting on one of my Spiritual Blessing
trips, I offer a reduced-rate sliding-scale fee arrangement; please
bear in mind that all applicants must be persons with very low income.
Reduced-fee sliding-scale arrangements are on an application basis
only, for selected applicants. Click
here to see full
details, terms and conditions, and how to apply for this
sliding-scale offer.
- For
a fee of $2,520
(USD), a pre-approved client will be allowed to spend up to two hours
of darshan-like time with me for spiritual purposes, arranged for
mutual convenience, during my stay in the designated city or region.
This time may be spent sitting somewhere (including a park, or a
restaurant, etc.), or taking a walk, or talking, or having a meal
together (the client pays the meal charges for both parties).
client, of course, is responsible for all of their own expenses and
transportation, lodging, meals and all other expenses attendant to any
travel they might make, and the client will be expected to be willing
and able to meet me at mutually-acceptable sites that are convenient to
me, often sites located fairly near my hotel.
If the
client should choose to pay a fee that is higher than the stated fee
for the same time period, then I am advised by Divine guidance that the
intensity of the flow of Divine love and grace is increased accordingly
during our session. - For
a fee of $4,540
(USD), a pre-approved client will be allowed to spend up to five hours
of darshan-like time with me for spiritual purposes, arranged for
mutual convenience, during my stay in the designated city or region.
This time may be spent sitting somewhere (including a park, or a
restaurant, etc.), or taking a walk, or talking, or having a meal
together (the client pays the meal charges for both parties).
client, of course, is responsible for all of their own expenses and
transportation, lodging, meals and all other expenses attendant to any
travel they might make, and the client will be expected to be willing
and able to meet me at mutually-acceptable sites that are convenient to
me, often sites located fairly near my hotel.
If the
client should choose to pay a fee that is higher than the stated fee
for the same time period, then I am advised by Divine guidance that the
intensity of the flow of Divine love and grace is increased accordingly
during our session. - For
a fee of $12,600
(USD), a pre-approved client will be given the name of the hotel in
which I will be staying, which will enable them to arrange to stay at
the same hotel for one or more days and nights during my stay there.
And, once they have been approved for this level of service, and once I
know the dates of their stay, I will specifically include them in my
field of Divine grace for the duration of their stay.
addition, they will be allowed to spend up to 10 hours of darshan-like
time with me for spiritual purposes (always broken into three or more
sessions/meetings across three or more days), arranged for mutual
convenience, during my stay in the designated city or region. This time
may be spent sitting somewhere (including a park, or a restaurant,
etc.), or taking a walk, or talking, or having a meal together (the
client pays the meal charges for both parties).
client, of course, is responsible for all of their own expenses and
transportation, lodging, meals and all other expenses attendant to any
travel they might make, and the client will be expected to be willing
and able to meet me at mutually-acceptable sites that are convenient to
me, often sites located not far from my hotel.
the client
should choose to pay a fee that is higher than the stated minimum fee
for this option, then I am advised by Divine guidance that the
intensity of the flow of Divine love and grace is increased accordingly
during our sessions, and during the client's stay at the hotel.
- For
a fee of $25,200 (USD), a pre-approved client will be given the name of
the hotel in which I will be staying, which will enable them to arrange
to stay at the same hotel for one or more days and nights during my
stay there. And, once they have been approved for this level of
service, and once I know the dates of their stay, I will specifically
include them in my field of Divine grace for the duration of their
In addition, they will be allowed to spend
up to 15
hours of darshan-like time with me for spiritual purposes (always
broken into four or more sessions/meetings across four or more days),
arranged for mutual convenience, during my stay in the designated city
or region. This time may be spent sitting somewhere (including a park,
or a restaurant, etc.), or taking a walk, or talking, or having a meal
together (the client pays the meal charges for both parties).
the client may receive, if they desire, a one hour intensive spiritual
healing treatment or intensive spiritual blessing treatment from me,
during which both parties will sit in the same room in a private
setting; this is remote spiritual healing work, and thus there is no
hands-on component to this (this is not energy healing), and rather,
all of my spiritual healing work is done at a distance of at least a
few feet.
The client, of course, is responsible
for all of
their own expenses and transportation, lodging, meals and all other
expenses attendant to any travel they might make, and the client will
be expected to be willing and able to meet me at mutually-acceptable
sites that are convenient to me, often sites located not far from my
If the client should choose to pay a fee
that is higher
than the stated minimum fee for this option, then I am advised by
Divine guidance that the intensity of the flow of Divine love and grace
is increased commensurately accordingly during our darshan time
sessions, and during the client's stay at the hotel.
- For
a fee of $44,100 (USD), and up to $125,999 (see note near the end of
description for this item), a pre-approved client will be given the
name of the hotel in which I will be staying, which will enable them to
arrange to stay at the same hotel for one or more days and nights
during my stay there. And, once they have been approved for this level
of service, and once I know the dates of their stay, I will
specifically include them in my field of Divine grace for the duration
of their stay.
In addition, they will be allowed
to spend up
to 20 hours of darshan-like time with me for spiritual purposes (always
broken into six or more sessions/meetings across six or more days),
arranged for mutual convenience, during my stay in the designated city
or region. This time may be spent sitting somewhere (including a park,
or a restaurant, etc.), or taking a walk, or talking, or having a meal
together (the client pays the meal charges for both parties).
the client may receive, if they desire, three one hour intensive
spiritual healing treatments or intensive spiritual blessing treatments
from me, during which both parties will sit in the same room in a
private setting; this is remote spiritual healing work, and thus there
is no hands-on component to this (this is not energy healing), and
rather, all of my spiritual healing work is done at a distance of at
least a few feet.
The client, of course, is
responsible for
all of their own expenses and transportation, lodging, meals and all
other expenses attendant to any travel they might make, and the client
will be expected to be willing and able to meet me at
mutually-acceptable sites that are convenient to me, often sites
located not far from my hotel.
If the client should choose
to pay
a fee that is higher than the stated minimum fee for this option, then
I am advised by Divine guidance that the intensity of the flow of
Divine love and grace is increased accordingly during our sessions, and
during the client's stay at the hotel.
- For
fee-based darshan time and spiritual connection with me at fees of
$126,000 and above, please contact me to discuss possible and
mutually-acceptable privileges attendant to the gift funds, which would
include, at a minimum, the privileges listed for the $44,100 fee-based
darshan time option listed immediately above.
Note Regarding Requests that I Receive to Make Spiritual Blessing Trips
to Specific Places
I must now address the curious fact that I regularly receive, usually
from near-strangers or total strangers, entirely uninvited and
unsolicited requests, or even demands, that I make a Spiritual Blessing
trip to a specific destination city or region. Here is my response to
all such requests:
I have received your request that I make a Spiritual Blessing trip to a
place other than one of the cities or regions that Divinity has asked
me to visit (or at a time other than when Divinity has asked me to
visit that destination). I understand that your wish that I visit this
place was sufficiently strong that you were moved to convey your
request to me.
Supreme Heart and Divine Mother have made clear that whenever I receive
any sincere requests, Divinity will advise me immediately whether I am
allowed to make the Spiritual Blessing trip to the requested
destination. And, if the requested trip is approved by Divinity, I will
also be immediately advised of the approved length of the trip; all
requested Spiritual Blessing trips that are approved by Divinity will
be for a duration ranging from 7 days to 15 days in length (no, shorter
trips are not possible, due to concomitant limitations on
effectiveness/impact). The exact length of the requested trip (most
commonly 7 or 8 days) will be specified by Divinity, and Divinity will
choose (as is true for all of my Spiritual Blessing trips) the exact
hotel at the destination city/region in which I am to stay for the
duration of the trip.
Please be advised that Supreme Heart and Divine Mother have made
explicitly and firmly clear to me that any and all such trips -- if the
request has been approved by Divinity -- must be entirely prepaid by
the requesting person or organization, and that the prepaid fee is
$2,600 per day for trips to destinations within the mainland US, and
$3,900 per day for trips to destinations located outside the mainland
US. I must receive cleared prepaid funds at least 10 days in advance of
the planned trip start date for the entire trip before I can make any
reservations. (For example, the prepaid fee for an approved request for
an 8-day Spiritual Blessing trip to a destination within the mainland
US would be $20,800 USD, while the prepaid fee for an approved request
for a 10-day Spiritual Blessing trip to a destination outside the
mainland US (e.g., a city in Asia) would be $39,000 USD.) Please note
that, with the exception of a very few extreme cases (i.e., requests
for travel to extremely inaccessible areas), the above-quoted prepaid
per-day fee includes (that is, subsumes) all of my travel, lodging,
meal and incidental costs (i.e. car rental, fuel, per diem costs, etc.).
a result of these firm terms and conditions for
any such
requests that have been set by Divinity, I will consider (and present
to Divinity for consideration) any request that I make a Spiritual
Blessing trip to a specified destination only if the requesting person
or organization (e.g., the small Christian churches, healing
ministries, New Age organizations, or Buddhist groups that sometimes
approach me in this regard) certifies in writing (via a message sent
via traditional email, or via a letter sent to me via postal mail) that
they are willing and able to send me a prepayment for the entire amount
of the fee (as detailed above) if Divinity should approve their
request. Any Spiritual Blessing trip requests that I receive that are
missing this important component, as described herein, will be entirely
ignored as frivolous, banal and insincere.
And, as has already been briefly referenced above, if I receive
permission on an inner level from Divinity to make the requested
Spiritual Blessing trip and I notify the requester that I am willing
and able to make the requested trip, then I must receive the cleared
funds for full prepayment of the entire fee at least 10 days prior to
the anticipated start date of the trip. If the cleared prepaid funds
are not received within the specified time frame, I will, of course,
not make any reservations for the requested trip until the funds have
cleared, with at least a 10-day lead time from clearance date for start
of travel in most cases.
For more detailed information, including terms and
conditions for my
services, regarding requests from persons or organizations asking me to
make a Spiritual Blessing trip to a specific place, please visit the
page entitled Terms
and Conditions Regarding Requests Asking Vinny to Make Spiritual
Blessing Trips.