Spiritual Healing with Vinny Pinto

Q&A page. Vinny Pinto is a spiritual healer. He is highly intuitive and offers non-contact, nonlocal spiritual healing at a distance.

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Commonly Asked Questions, and Answers

Q: Why do you call this website the "Divine Heart" website instead of something more obvious, such as "Spiritual-Healer-Vinny" or "vinnypinto.com"?

A: Vinny calls this site "Divine Heart" because he feels deeply that so much of the gift or talent of remote spiritual healing which he is privileged to feel and share is truly an expression of Holy Spirit, also known as "Divine Heart", "Universal Heart", "Supreme Heart", "Heart of Spirit", "Spiritual Heart" and "Heart of Hearts", and by a dozen other similar names in various traditions.  The site is so named as an acknowledgment of the source of this flow.

Q: How Do I Know if I Should Request a Session?

A: As a remote spiritual healer, Vinny is very committed to allowing and helping people to become self-empowered and make their own decisions.  He does not wish to persuade anyone to try his spiritual healing work.  Rather, he asks that anyone who is considering a session go to their heart and spirit and “know” from there whether this work is right for them at this time. 
Vinny suggests that you shift your attention to your physical heart or gut center and check for a feeling of sureness that you want to work with him at this time.

If you are looking for a healer, and are not feeling moved to see Vinny at this time, you may wish to consider working with Pam Clements, a remote energy healer who resides in western Michigan. Pam is one of the very few energy healers Vinny recommends; you may click here to visit her web page

Q: Why doesn’t Vinny try to heal or “fix” specific conditions?

A: There are several reasons why Vinny does not try to address specific health, mental, emotional or spiritual “problems”.  First, he is not a doctor or medical practitioner, but rather a spiritual healer.  He has no desire to “fix” or “repair” anyone mechanically.  There are plenty of practitioners who do that well.  Next, we feel that to have a specific intention to “fix” or “cure” a specific condition would be to violate the very basis of the spiritual covenant in which we enter this spiritual healing work.  We feel that any problem or symptom in life has a reason and a function, and that there is some component of the person, whether it be in mind, spirit, body, or even old unconscious programming, which still needs the symptom. So, from Vinny's point of view, the most easeful thing to do in all situations is to simply share with the client his presence in a particular heart-centered state of being, allowing their organism to “taste” or “remember” those frequencies of grace.  We trust that the client may then heal, shift or transmute their own “conditions” from a very deep level in spirit.

Q: But why isn’t Vinny more aggressive about wanting to fix or change illnesses or people? 

A: He vastly prefers to accept and love all beings exactly as they are.  Vinny finds this far more easeful, both for them and for him!  At this stage of his life, in his fiftieth year on earth when this was written, Vinny feels it would be arrogant to decide that the world needs his meddling or change efforts, or that it needs anything other than the love and grace which he can radiate from God and Holy Spirit (being). Further, as a spiritual healer, any intention to "fix" people or the world would feel counter-productive. 

We recently heard a quote with which we strongly agree.  A friend who is studying personal coaching with Thomas Leonard, the founder of modern personal coaching and the creator of "Coach University" related something which Thomas Leonard recently said to a class of student coaches.  He said (apologies for any accidental paraphrasing):

"I've never met someone who said that they want to make a difference who was easy to be around." 

Somehow inherent in the view that one “has a mission” or “must make a difference” is a rigidity, a driven-ness, and the arrogant assumption that something or someone is broken and it is one’s mission to fix it or them.  Vinny cannot assume that.  Rather, he chooses to remain in heart and spirit, and he loves and appreciates the world and people exactly as they are (yes, of course his mind gets cranky and critical at times!).

Q: Well, then, why does Vinny do this work?

A: Vinny offers this spiritual healing work not from a place of wanting to change or fix anyone or anything, but to share the amazing field of grace and love which he has been privileged to taste and feel.  He trusts that Spirit will do the rest. 

Vinny says: "I offer this work as a spiritual healer only because I am moved powerfully from within to share this.  I have no idea what will come of any particular session, beyond the trust that it will be in the best interests of all, and based in love, heart and spirit.  I sometimes call it “sharing the Holy Spirit”.  The scientific side of my mind calls this state 'sharing the field of coherence'. "

Q: Why doesn’t Vinny touch people during spiritual healing sessions? 

A: It is simply not necessary, and worse, it might give the impression that he his trying to “fix” or “cure” something.  Rather, as a spiritual healer, he chooses to share a particular healing and easeful field of grace from Holy Spirit.  Lastly, he feels that touching clients is the province of doctors and massage practitioners.  In some states, it is illegal to touch a client unless the practitioner is licensed.  Such is not his work.

Q: Does Vinny send energy from his body or self into clients?

A: No, unlike some energy healers and even some other spiritual healers, he does not send energies into the client from himself.  Rather, he enters a state of attunement with Holy Spirit and Divine Heart, and asks Holy Spirit to envelop the client in grace, which is a kind of subtle energy or field which envelops the client as well as himself, even if the client is 6,000 miles away. So, yes, there may be a small degree of subtle energies and fields involved, but he does not send them into clients himself.  Rather, they come from Holy Spirit and Divine Heart.  He does often feel love streaming from the heart center to the client with whom he his working. 

Vinny has indeed trained in the past in systems (such as Reiki-type systems Chi Kung healing, some styles of acupuncture, and also Body Electronics) which involved sending energy into the client, or deliberately moving energy in their fields.  However, as a spiritual healer, he has been strongly guided by Holy Spirit and Divine Heart to leave that work behind as belonging to an "earlier stage".

Q: Does Vinny's work have anything to do with spiritualism? 

A: No, it does not. The word "spiritualism", as used nowadays, usually refers to folks who sit in a room and talk with ghosts and other entities on the astral plane via seances, ouija boards or channeling.  Vinny's work does not involve working with any of these things, and simply treats any or all astral plane phenomena as projections or creations of the mind, versus anything which is truly connected with the unity or oneness of Holy Spirit or Divine Heart.

Q: Does Vinny work on animals? 

A: Yes! 

Q: Is this spiritual work more effective than the focused energy healing Vinny once did? 

A: Vinny feels that it is, for him.  It is broader, gentler, and addresses the person on a far deeper spiritual level, giving them absolute choice over whether to allow a particular pattern to release or shift. It summons a deeper connectedness with God, Spirit and life.

Q: Must I keep seeing my health care providers? 

A: If you are currently diagnosed as ill, we assume that you are seeing a licensed health care practitioner and following their instructions.  Vinny's work fully supports all health care measures, whether conventional or alternative.  He insists that you continue working with your licensed healthcare provider.

Q: Is Vinny perfectly healthy himself? 

A: No, he does not claim to be!  Vinny has had his share of problems and illnesses, and they have helped to shape and guide him into the heart and spirit-centered work, and lead him away from a life which was more physically-oriented. Indeed, working with many of these problems shaped him into his current role of working as a spiritual healer.

Q: Will Vinny want me to eat any special kind of diet? 

A: No.  Vinny personally eats a largely raw diet (known as a raw Paleolithic diet) himself, but does not preach or proselytize.

Q: Must I have a number of sessions? Does Vinny ask me to commit to a bunch of sessions? 

A: Emphatically, no!  He feels that some folks get great benefit from one treatment, and some folks may choose to have 3 or 4 sessions.  Many spiritual healers seem to feel that the most magical things often happen after the second or third session, but they may happen after only one session as well.  There is never any pressure to commit to additional sessions.  All focus is on the now.  

Q: What will I need to do during the spiritual healing treatment?

A: There is nothing that you need to do during Vinny's healing treatment, and in fact, you will never know the exact timing of any of his general healing sessions (that is, those 20-times-daily general healing and Divine love and grace meditations which include all of Vinny's healing clients at that time) nor of the one or more individual healing treatments which he performs for you, and for the following reasons: All of his healing work is done on a healing (aka distant healing or absent healing) basis only, and never in person. So, all of his healing work is only done at a distance, and thus there is no need for the client to know the exact timing. 

Please bear in mind that the only healing service which Vinny offers is spiritual healing, and, as such, spiritual healing does not involve sending light, colors, intent or energies, nor does it involve trying to fix anything, and thus it is very different from energy healing, from chi kung (aka qi gung) healing, from hands-on healing, and from shamanic healing. Since his work involves only going into a deep state of love and grace and peace and surrendering any and all concerns of the client to Supreme Heart and Holy Spirit, there is no need for the client to be doing anything special during his sessions (whether they be general healing sessions or an individual healing treatment session), such as sitting still or lying down, or meditating. Rather, it does not matter at all what the client is doing at the time at which Vinny renders the spiritual healing treatment sessions. 

Since this is spiritual healing, Vinny's healing services on behalf of a client are not measured in terms of length of time a healing session lasts, and his healing treatment sessions are not performed upon demand at a specific time.  

Thus, in line with the above points, the client will likely never know exactly when any of these treatment sessions, whether general or individual, are rendered, as the timing is entirely up to Supreme Heart, and there is no need for the client to be doing anything special at the time of any of the sessions. Likewise, there is also NO possibility for Vinny to be on the telephone with a client during these sessions, as the sessions are performed only in a deep loving meditative state, and this precludes talking on the telephone!

Q: Will I feel great during the treatment? How about right after?

A: Vinny's own experience with his work and that of other spiritual healers and energy healers is that you may feel wonderful during a treatment and afterward. However, in common with much spiritual healing work, his experience is that most clients may not notice any particular inner feelings during the treatment. And, in any case, the simple fact is that you, as the client, will never know the exact timing of any of his healing sessions, for the reasons iterated above and elsewhere on this website.

Q: How should I deal with any old stuff which surfaces during or after the spiritual healing session?

A: That is your choice.  Vinny asks you to try being with the "stuff", if any, in a loving and allowing way, without judging, attacking, or criticizing, and with compassion and love.  His experience, and that of many others, is that when we stay with these feelings and memories in a loving way, without running off into a thousand thoughts or mental pictures, they shift and transmute, or dissolve.

Q: I am a Christian; is your work okay for me?

A: Yes, from our point of view.  This work does not involve working with spirits or entities, but only with the divine Holy Spirit, divine heart, and God.  A number of Vinny's clients have been devoted Christians; others have been agnostics, or belonged to the Judaic, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, or other faiths. There is only one God, sometimes called by different names by various religions and people. Any differences are due to faulty interpretations by various religions and people involved, and not due to God. Vinny's own work embraces Divine Heart Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and does incorporate angels.  Ultimately, he feel that you must ask your own heart and spirit which methods or practitioners to work with.

Q: Does Vinny ever encounter possessing entities in clients? 

A: Occasionally, yes, but this is not a large part of his work, nor a primary focus.  Vinny says: "The more I work on inner levels, and the more I practice, I seem to learn that as we allow more and more love and light into our lives, minds and bodies, any entities will gradually leave or even dissolve as a matter of natural progression.  When such entities are encountered, this is not something to build into a “big deal”. I almost always choose to ignore them unless a client insists that we look at the entity.  I feel that most entities do not pose an "emergency", and will leave or dissolve in the natural course of things as a person opens to more love and grace."

In any case, please note that one effect of each of the levels of healing treatments Vinny offers is a clearing of the client's energy body of any possessing or invading entities and stuck negative feelings, thought forms and patterns (unless the client's conscious or subconscious mind is trying to actively hold on to them, as free will is never violated.)  This is sometimes called chakra clearing, aura cleaning, aura clearing, or aura cleansing.  The removal of possessing entities or spirits is sometimes called entity depossession, entity removal, spirit depossession, or exorcism; there is no force or hypnotism used in the heart-centered method employed by Vinny, but only Love and Grace, with angelic assistance and guidance. 

Vinny has never yet encountered an entity who was truly evil, but rather each has been a misguided or lost being or soul fragment who entered the person at some time.  He does not believe in forcibly “evicting” or exorcising such entities, but rather approaching them in love and kindness, and helping them to leave and go the where they best belong.  Vinny feels nothing in common with the traditions of forcible exorcism of entities.  He has trained in several traditions that facilitate gently helping possessing entities to leave the body/mind.  All are gentle, compassionate, heart-centered, non-invasive and non-violent methods, done with love.  However, he almost never feels a need to employ those methods anymore, as he feels very secure in the global remote spiritual work which he currently practices, as well as the angels which work with him, and trusts this process.

Q: Are all sessions totally private? 

A: Yes, all sessions are totally private and confidential.

Q: Also, does Vinny work or do healings on people who believe that they are victims of a brain implant?

A: Yes, he is willing to offer you spiritual healing if you should choose to ask for it via a handwritten request (sent via postal mail addressed in handwriting) and it is fine if one of your concerns is brain implants or alien implants.

Q: Does Vinny work or do healings on people who believe that they are victims of sorcery done by a powerful master sorcerer who they say is an evil black magic priest? 

A: Yes, he is willing to offer you remote spiritual healing if you should choose to ask for it via a handwritten request (sent via postal mail, as per the instructions on the How to Request a Healing page) and it is fine if one of your concerns is a spell or spells or a curse rendered by a sorcerer or black magician.

Q: Does Vinny work or do healings on people who believe that they are possessed by possessing entities and this is causing problems?

A: Yes, he is willing to offer you remote spiritual healing if you should choose to ask for it via a handwritten request (sent via postal mail, as per the instructions on the How to Request a Healing page) and it is fine if one of your concerns is possessing or attaching entities or invading spirits.

And Now, A Note About a "Freebie" Service for
Receiving Divine Love and Grace from Vinny

Vinny has been contacted repeatedly across the years since the year 2000 by persons who had visited his spiritual healing website and who did not necessarily want to request a remote spiritual healing from him at that time, or who perhaps felt that they could not afford the fees for a remote spiritual healing at that time, but they stated that they nonetheless wished that Vinny could, and would, consider offering some kind of low-cost or zero-cost way that they could more directly experience the flow of Divine love and grace that they sensed flowing through him. In fact, a number of those persons mentioned that they could feel the flow of Divine love and grace coming through the small photographs of Vinny found on his spiritual healing website, and they stated that they "wanted more".

As you likely already know from having read the main page on this spiritual healing website, Vinny has been given a gift from Divinity whereby he serves as a window for Divinity, and for Divine love and grace, into this world. It is this flow of Divine love and grace that some people sense, and that led to the requests from visitors to Vinny's spiritual healing website that have been described above. Partially in response to those requests, as of early 2013, Vinny was guided by Divinity to create a page on his spiritual healing website that will feature a large and specially-blessed photograph of him. This specially-blessed photograph will allow those who wish to receive the flow of Divine love and grace that flows through him to connect and to receive this flow of love and grace, free of charge, whenever they choose to visit the page. If you are interested in being a recipient of this entirely free-of-charge flow of Divine love and grace, please feel free to visit the page by clicking here.

Vinny's Email List Groups of Interest

1) Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Surrender & Spiritual Healers (VP) / https://groups.io/g/spiritual-surrender-vp/  – this group encompasses and subsumes topics covered by Vinny's legacy Spiritual Surrender, Spiritual Enlightenment and Release Technique list groups at Yahoo Groups.

Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Surrender & Spiritual Healers (VP)
This list group is a continuation of the Spiritual Surrender, Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Healers and Release Technique (Lester Levenson's work) legacy list groups at Yahoo Groups that were operated by Vinny Pinto for 15+ years until the October 2019 downscaling of Yahoo Groups. Vinny is a mystic, spiritual teacher/guide, spiritual healer, and a multi-disciplinary consulting and R&D scientist/engineer.

The primary focus of this list group is the attainment of spiritual enlightenment and concomitantly, attaining greater levels of inner peace and grace, often via surrender to the Divine of all problems, challenges, wants and needs. Much of the focus of the group is based upon spiritual methods and teachings of Ramana Maharshi (who has sometimes been classified by others as an Advaita Vedanta teacher), an Indian spiritual teacher, and Lester Levenson, an American spiritual teacher and the developer of the "release technique". The focus of this list group is non-denominational.

While the name and description of this list group are publicly listed at Groups.io and on search engines, all posts sent to the list group are private and are viewable by list group members only. This is a moderated list group. Further, all applicants wishing to join the list group must state their reasons for wishing to join along with their name and general location, and all posts sent to the list group must be signed with the poster's first and last name in order to be published. We do not tolerate hate posts, and we do not tolerate trolls, nor troll posts.

To join this group, click the "join" link from the group's home page at:

Or send an email to:

Please note that the list group is restricted-membership list group, and thus, once you have applied to join, you will then shortly receive an email from the groups.io mailserver, entitled something along the lines of "Your Pending Membership in….", which will ask you for certain information; you will need to send the requested information (including your first and last name) back to the list group moderators by replying to the message if you wish your application for membership to be approved.

2) Metaphysical/Paranormal (VP) / https://groups.io/g/metaphysical-paranormal-vp/  – this group encompasses and subsumes topics covered by Vinny's legacy Occult-Mystical and Psychic-Intuitive list groups at Yahoo Groups.

Metaphysical/Paranormal (VP)
This list group is a continuation of the Occult-Mystical list group and Psychic-Intuitive list group at Yahoo Groups that were operated by Vinny Pinto for 15+ years until the October 2019 downscaling of Yahoo Groups. Vinny is a mystic, spiritual teacher/guide, spiritual healer, and a multi-disciplinary consulting and R&D scientist/engineer.

The primary focus of this list group is to discuss topics in the realms of metaphysics, the occult, esoteric teachings, and, of course, paranormal abilities (aka supernatural abilities) and related topics.

While the name and description of this list group are publicly listed at Groups.io and on search engines, all posts sent to the list group are private, and are viewable by list group members only. This is a moderated list group. Further, all applicants wishing to join the list group must state their reasons for wishing to join along with their name and general location, and all posts sent to the list group must be signed with the poster's first and last name in order to be published. We do not tolerate hate posts, and we do not tolerate trolls, nor troll posts.

To join this group, click the "join" link from the group's home page at:

Or send an email to:

Please note that the list group is restricted-membership list group, and thus, once you have applied to join, you will then shortly receive an email from the groups.io mailserver, entitled something along the lines of "Your Pending Membership in….", which will ask you for certain information; you will need to send the requested information (including your first and last name) back to the list group moderators by replying to the message if you wish your application for membership to be approved.

3) Vinny News/Updates (VP) / https://groups.io/g/vinny-news-updates-vp/  – this group encompasses and subsumes topics covered by Vinny's legacy Vinny News announcements list group at Yahoo Groups.

Vinny News/Updates (VP)
This list group is a continuation of the Vinny News announcements list group at Yahoo Groups that was operated by Vinny Pinto for 15+ years until the October 2019 downscaling of Yahoo Groups. Vinny is a mystic, spiritual teacher/guide, spiritual healer, and a multi-disciplinary consulting and R&D scientist/engineer.

The primary focus of this list group is to share with group members various announcements, news items, or updates that Vinny may wish to share. This is an announcements-type list group, and therefore, for at least the vast majority of the time, the list group settings allow posts only from Vinny, and do not allow members of the group to send messages to the group.

While the name and description of this list group are publicly listed at Groups.io and on search engines, all posts sent to the list group are private and are viewable by list group members only.

To join this group, click the "join" link from the group's home page at:

Or send an email to:

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