Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water

ver. 2.0.2; last updated 6/13/2024

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As mentioned in an update email that I sent to my spiritual and related email list groups circa 2014, I was asked by Divinity to co-create, with Divine Mother, a new spiritual nutritional supplement called Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water (the short-hand name is Divine Mother Water). Further, although I had been creating this water for the past few months, it was only in the wake of my having recently completed my 3.7 month spiritual regenerative retreat (as mentioned in my update sent to my email list group devoted to spiritual topics), that Divinity asked me to offer the product for sale, at a price and under terms set by Divinity, to qualified applicants.

However, as usual for many of my spiritual supplements, this is not a consumer product, and rather, this spiritual research product is available for sale only to bona fide mystics, alchemists and researchers/experimenters who are fully qualified and approved as members of my Luminous Lodge private buyers club at a Premium membership level or higher. (Information about the Luminous Lodge, membership requirements, and membership levels may be found at http://elixirvitae.vpinf.com/luminous-lodge.html).

And, I am not trying to convince potential customers to purchase this spiritual research product, and, in fact, I wish to state that I strongly discourage potential customers from purchasing this spiritual research product -- simply because it is so powerful, and because the concept of a "spiritual nutritional supplement" is rather foreign to our culture, and also because, as a spiritual research product, there are no guarantees of effects/outcomes -- and I am offering it for sale to fellow mystics, alchemists and researchers only because Divinity has asked me to do so.

Suggested Serving Size for Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water

As noted earlier, this Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water may be purchased, and used, only by bona fide mystics, alchemists and researchers/experimenters who are fully qualified and approved as members of my Luminous Lodge private buyers club at a Premium membership level or higher.

For those who are just starting to ingest the Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water, the suggested serving size is one teaspoon per day (i.e., about 1/6th fluid ounce, or 4.93 ml), either all at one time or divided across the day. For those who have been ingesting the Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water, and who have grown accustomed to surviving, accepting and loving any accompanying temporary cleansing or clearing effects, the suggested serving size is three (3) teaspoons per day (i.e., about 1/2 fluid ounce, or about 14.9 ml). For really brave souls who have been ingesting the Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water for at least a few months, and who have grown fully accustomed to surviving, accepting and loving any accompanying temporary cleansing or clearing effects, I will say the following: While it is possible to ingest more than those suggested serving sizes (for example, I have, at times, ingested two sake cups (about 4 oz. per cup) per day of this water, I do not suggest this, as the accompanying temporary cleansing or clearing effects on the physical, mental, emotional and energetic levels can be debilitating at this level.

A Note About the Product Itself

The Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water is created by blessing, along with Divine Mother and Goddess Shiva, factory-sealed one-half liter (i.e. 0.5L, or about 16.9 fl. oz.) bottles of spring water during a special deep meditation. The sealed bottles of spring water are purchased at a local grocery store. The exact brand is always chosen by Divinity, and may vary across time due to availability issues. The factory-sealed bottles remain sealed at all times during the blessing process, and the bottles of Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water received by customers are still factory-sealed.

Please note that during this Divine Mother and Goddess Shiva blessing treatment, the liquid is NOT imbued with any exotic energies during the treatment, and rather, the treatment is entirely spiritual: the liquid is infused only with Love and Grace from Divine Mother/Blessed Mother and Goddess Shiva. It is exactly the same Love and Grace from Divine Mother/Blessed Mother that was present (albeit at a far weaker level, for many reasons) in the "Blessed Water", the blessed spring water that my (now-deceased) friend and colleague Filomena Dingle, the Christian spiritual healer, gave to the pilgrims who came to visit her in Hawaii (and earlier, in Philadelphia PA and in Italy) from around the world seeking healing.


The product may be purchased only by qualified Lodge members who have met screening requisite requirements. I have been asked by Divine Mother to set the price for each one-half liter (i.e. 0.5L, or about 16.9 fl. oz.) bottle of Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water at $1,650.00 USD per bottle (of course, discounts on this price apply for Lodge members at the Rubidium and Benefactor levels). Shipping and handling charges are $16 for one to six bottles, shipped in the US via Priority Mail, uninsured, for shipping within the continental US. (If you wish the product shipped with insurance, the S/H charge will rise considerably; if you wish insured shipping, please contact me privately.)

Some Questions and Answers (Q&A)

Q. Will I likely experience cleansing or clearing symptoms, aka detox symptoms, if I ingest this product at the suggested serving sizes?

A. You will likely at least notice some mild to moderate temporary detox or cleansing reactions (these will usually be the classical temporary detox/cleansing reactions, and may include rashes, fever, flu-like symptoms, nausea, diarrhea, burning urine, increased body odor, flatulence, headache, etc.) on the physical level, and even some detox/cleansing/releasing of old gunk on the mental/emotional levels.

Q: Can I use this Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water to try to fix my health problems?

A: No. This product is not offered as a remedy, nor a herbal remedy, nor a medicine, and rather, it is merely a spiritual supplement, intended for ingestion only by persons who are already in good health. And this product is not sold to consumers, and rather, it is only available for sale to a very small group of selected and pre-screened persons who are mystics, alchemists or researchers, and who are already in reasonably good health.

So, this product is not intended to diagnose nor heal any disease or disorder, and it works only as a spiritual supplement. Please see the Disclaimer on this page for even further details on this matter.

Q. Why have you imposed incredibly harsh and severe prerequisite qualifying requirements that must be met by persons wishing to purchase and ingest Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water?

A. This is simply due to the power of the water. Only fully-qualified members of the Luminous Lodge at the Premium level may purchase or ingest this Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water. Those harsh and severe prerequisite requirements for those wishing to ingest my Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water are in place for good reason, to ensure that only qualified and well-prepared persons ever ingest these products.

Q. Which of your email list groups should we use to discuss effects of the Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water and/or ask questions about its use?

A. While I have initially announced the availability of the Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water to qualified alchemists, mystics and researchers on a number of my relevant list groups, I ask that all discussions and questions about the Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water, because it is an alchemical product, be discussed on my Spiritual Surrender list group.

Availability, Terms and Pricing

Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water is currently available for sale to qualified purchasers; terms and conditions appear below:
  • Please note that all terms and pricing have been suggested to me by Divinity.

  • I discourage you from purchasing this product; I offer it for sale only to qualified purchasers only because Divine Mother/Blessed Mother has asked me to do so. I encourage you NOT to purchase this product for all of the following reasons: it is too powerful -- it is not a consumer product; it is an experimental spiritual nutritional product.

  • This Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water is a spiritual product. It is available for sale only to sincere mystics, alchemists and researchers/experimenters in the realms of the esoteric sciences who are fully-qualified and pre-screened members of my Luminous Lodge at the Premium level and above, and may be used only by the same.

  • This Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water is not a consumer product, and is not available for sale to consumers nor for sale nor resale at the consumer level.

  • As is true for all of my prototype products, research products and alchemical products, all sales are final; there are no returns allowed, and no refunds, and no exchanges. All sales are final.

  • If you apply to purchase the Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water, you certify that you have read all of the information on this page and that you understand all of the warnings and caveats on this page, and that you understand and agree to all of the terms and conditions on this page, and that you are a member of the Lodge at the appropriate minimum level of membership.

  • All pre-screened and qualified members of the Luminous Lodge private buyer's club at the purchase-approved levels, that is, at the Premium level and above, are already pre-approved for purchase of the Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water, as they have already met/exceeded the prerequisite requirements.

  • This Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water is for sale to, and intended for consumption by, only persons who meet all of the other terms and pre-conditions listed on this page and who certify that they are in a state of at least reasonably good health.

  • If you purchase or ingest this Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water, you agree that you understand that, while this is a food-grade product, it is an experimental spiritual product, and there are not results or effects that are promised, warrantied or guaranteed. There are no guarantees or warranties of fitness, suitability, effect or outcomes expressed or implied.

  • If you purchase or ingest this Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water, you agree that you understand that, while this is a food-grade product, it is an experimental spiritual product, and you willingly assume all responsibilities for outcomes, including any adverse effects, including so-called cleansing, detox and retrace effects.

  • For fully-qualified purchasers, once cleared payment for the Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water product and S/H charges has been received in full from an approved purchaser, we will normally ship within 15 business days of receiving the payment. In some rare cases, where demand for the product may be greater than anticipated, there may be an additional delay prior to shipping of up to 10 (additional) business days, if we need to procure more of the base product.

  • As always, no sales to customers living in the state of Maryland.

  • Price per half-liter (i.e., 0.5 liter, aka 16/9 fl. oz.) bottle of the Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water is $1,650.00 per bottle, plus S/H charges. See section below for S/H charges. Further, qualified members of the Luminous Lodge buyer's club will be eligible to purchase the Divine Mother/Goddess Shiva Blessed Water with the following discounts on product price: 0% (i.e., zero percent, no discount) for Premium level members, 15% for Rubidium level members, and 30% for Benefactor Level I members.

  • Shipping and handling charges for purchases of one to six bottles is $16 for shipping to addresses within the USA via USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate box (not insured). For any questions about shipping, please contact me at 

  • Once your prospective purchase has been approved, you may send payment via one of the methods on the Payment page, which may be found at: http://www.divine-heart.org/pmts/payments-spiritual-products.html. To use any of the payment methods, you will first need to calculate the total amount due, including product price plus S/H charges.

  • If you have any questions about this product, please write to me at 


Please note that this material is offered solely for educational and informational purposes. Any products or technologies mentioned on this page are experimental products only, and are not consumer products. As such, they are available for sale only to properly qualified and pre-screened mystics, alchemists and researchers in the realms of strange science who are already in a state of reasonably good health..

The products described and/or offered on this page are solely alchemical spiritual nutritional supplements; they are not medicines, herbal remedies or other remedies. These products are not intended to diagnose nor treat any disease states, nor is the information on this page intended to diagnose or treat any disease states If you have a health problem of any kind, you are encouraged to consult with a licensed healthcare professional, and please be advised that if you do have a health problem, the products described on this page are not intended for you and we will not sell the products to you; the products are intended only for persons who are in good health.

The reader understands that the author is not engaged in rendering health or medical advice or services. The site owner and author provide this information, and the reader accepts it, with the understanding that people act on it at their own risk and with full knowledge that they should consult with licensed primary care medical professionals for any medical assistance they may need. The author(s) of the material presented on this site are neither medical nor nutritional professionals.

The statements on this site about these products have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and/or technologies mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are ill, please contact a licensed healthcare practitioner.

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